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That was still a dick move. You're so freakin' lucky I took the time to look that up. Because now I'm just mad.
ReplyDeleteFirst thought? "AIDEN'S BEEN HALLOWED!"
No. You're just being a jerk. :l
To be fair, after seeing this I saw your post, and was considering taking this down in the case you'd freak out. Brennon said not to. So he made me do it.
ReplyDeleteYou know we love you. And I'm sorry. And of course I'm a jerk. You know me :3
Also you get dozens of cookies... doesn't that make it better? ;p
I was legitimately pissed off though. Just so you know. I think Brennon's earned that punch-in-the-jaw back.
I better be gettin' cookies, sir.
Also, it's not the binary itself that's scary.
ReplyDeleteIt's the fact that proxies use it. And people that are becoming Hallowed.
People don't freak out because it's a bunch of numbers. People freak out because something horrible is happening to someone else. And proxies are dangerous
You know, just thought I'd get technical here before my medicine kicks back in.
What kind of cookies? I will make them and have them ready for when you come up. :3
ReplyDeleteAlso, proxies are not scary to me. Nor are hollowed. I mean, in the end, they're still just people. They can be hurt/killed/dealt with.
No what scares me are the things that can't be killed/hurt/delt with. WE'll call these things, Slender Man. That's what scares me. But the ass also confuses me. Why hasn't he made a move. Why is he so good willed towards us. That... in itself is kind of scary to me.
Proxies are still bad news bears. And from what I hear, they're a pain.
ReplyDeleteIf I ever come across Redlight, I'm gonna knock his teeth out...
And sugar cookies will do fine, thank you. C:
Who's Redlight?so confused there. I have a feeling i need to find some other blogs to follow.
And ok... sugar cookies it is >:3
Oh man. Yes you do.
ReplyDeleteRedlight's a bastard. I would check back up on Zeke and head over to White Elephants if I were you. And we both need to read Anomalous Data to get the rest of the story on him.
In the mean time, I've still got reading to do with Ava. She and Reach are up to something I hear. Something big is supposed to happen...
Be careful, you guys.
Aiden...you okay?
ReplyDeleteWhat's going on on your end?
You're answer's coming up in a post. I started replying then saw how big it was. It'll make a better post of it's onwm